Friday, May 29, 2020

Name Drops

Name Drops by Unit
Possible Name Drops with who they were
 Unit 2: 1607–1754
Oceana- name of a girl born on the mayflower
William Button- man died on the mayflower 3 days before it landed
John Winthrop- was the Governor of the Calvanist Puritans Plymouth colony merged w the Mass. Bay Colony- gave the speech about the city on the hill-
 Unit 3: 1754–1800
William Pitt- British Prime Minister
James Wolf- a colonel in the British Army, led the successful attack against Quebec in 1759, all but ending the French and Indian War
Crispus Attucks, Patrick Carr, Samuel GraySamuel Maverick and James Caldwel- the five killed in the Boston Massacre, others were injured
Samuel Adams- led a group of Patriots called the Sons of Liberty; organized and carried out the Boston tea party
Major James McFarlane- led the Whiskey Rebellion
John Jay- john jay treaty
 Unit 4: 1800–1848
Aaron Burr- killed alexander Hamilton and ran against Thomas Jefferson in the election of 1800
William Marbury- Marbury vs. Madison- judicial review
Dred Scott- the slave fighting for freedom in Dred Scott vs. Sanford court case
Steven Austin- the founder of Texas, led the colonization of the region by bringing 300 families from the us region in 1825 and led the rebellion- “remember the Alamo” and Sam Houston was the second leader
 Unit 5: 1844–1877
John Brown- Kansas- Nebraska Act of 1854, rushed in and fought pro-slavery settlers who are unarmed and kills them – the Pottawatomie Massacre
Preston Brooks- beats Charles Sumner with a cane after he gives a speech about the Massacre and attacks Andrew Butler (democrat)
Elizabeth Cady Stanton and Susan B. Anthony- form the national women’s loyal league in the 1860s after the civil war and have the Seneca Falls Convention with the Declaration of Sentiments
Sojourner Truth- African American women, wrote the speech “Ain’t I a Woman” about more rights for women and black people
 Unit 6: 1865–1898
Thomas Crapper- invented the toilet
Alexander Graham Bell- invented the telephone
Henry Ford- cars
Andrew Carnegie- steel
Cornelius Vanderbilt- railroads
John D. Rockefeller- oil
Mark Twain and Charles Dudley Warner- coined the phrase the “Gilded Age”
Unit 7: 1890–1945
Ida Tarbell- journalist and muckraker
Upton Sinclair- wrote “The Jungle” exposing the meat packing industry
Bernice Bobs her hair- flapper girls, women’s suffrage
Margaret Sanger- started the Birth Control League
Henry Tandey- British soldier during WW1 came across a hurt German soldier, Adolf Hitler, and let him live
S.S McClure- publisher of muckraker journaling, “McClure’s Magazine”
Ray Stannard Baker- journalist and muckraker

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