Tsuyako's story is a very real example of how fearful America was after the bombing at Pearl Harbor. Large anti-Japanese sentiment led to these internment camps being made under FDR with the executive order 9066. Fun fact, In star wars, the ultimate order for the clone troopers to target all the jedi and hunt them down is called Order 66 and was based off FDR's executive order 9066 as the Jedi is star wars were based primarily of samurai and their way of life. However, the civil liberties act of 1988 was passed which gave anyone who was detained 20,000 dollars as an apology. Upon reading this story, I was shocked at the terrible treatment in these internment camps and how the Japanese had to sleep in horse stalls that weren't even cleaned of horse poop. One thing I found interesting in this story though was that the mailman was the only one to ask Tsuyako questions about her side of what was happening to her people as well as what she thought occurred at Pearl Harbor. One final thing that stood out to me was the civilian exclusion order no. 27 because it essentially ripped their identity and freedoms from all Japanese. This was a terrible spot in history for the united states and demonstrates how fear and hatred can quickly consume people and make them turn on others because of their differences. An issue that is still being fought as we speak.

The trail of tears and Indian removal act was another black spot on America's history that forced the removal of Native Americans without letting them fight back or do anything about it because there was such anti-native american sentiment in the country at this time.
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