First off, I found this interview to be extremely emotional and I think that no matter how many times were learn or talk about the holocaust, none of it does any Justice to how bad this period of hatred really was. It was saddening to hear some of the stories Mr. Somogyi shared.
1. The desensitization of dead bodies that Mr. Somogyi developed really demonstrated how many people were dying in these concentration camps as well as how these camps impacted the Jewish people psychologically.
2. Another thing that was hard to hear was how these people were stripped of everything that made them human and how their identity became the number that was put on their arms. I cannot imagine how someone would feel if they lost all sense of how they were and their entire people were under attack.
3. I think one of the saddest parts of the interview was when Mr. Somogyi told us how he didn't get to say goodbye or talk to his mother and sister again before they were killed. To have a family member taken away at the blink of an eye would be something that you don't recover from.
4. Another brutally hurtful story that Mr. Somogyi shared in the interview was how his faith in god was shaken and he wasen't sure god was real anymore because he believed that god would have never allowed anything like this to happen and god would not have let his mother and sister be taken to the gas chamber to die. This is mortifying and this story reflects how the Nazis did everything to completely annihilate any sort of hope or belief in these camps.
5. Finally, coming into the camp and smelling rotting human flesh and seeing bodies littering the ground is an image that just picturing it is terrible but to be in that situation and realizing that this was going to happen to you, its unbelievable.
Tom's AP American Blog
Thursday, June 11, 2020
Friday, May 29, 2020
Hooks for the AP
Hooks by Unit
Possible Hooks
Unit 3: 1754–1800
“I must confess that in this country, we must comply and learn the
art of war from
enemy Indians or
anything else who have seen the country and war carried on in it.”
-George Washington
about the French and Indian War
It took more than one hundred colonist nearly three hours to dump all
the tea into the Boston Tea Party, the chests held more than forty-five tons
of tea which is worth nearly one million in today’s money.
"Stand your ground. Don't fire unless fired upon, but if they
mean to have a war let it begin here."
-Captain John Paarker to his minute men on Lexington Green April 19th,
“The Stile of this
Confederacy shall be "The United States of America."
-The Constitutional Congress
The opening of the Articles of Confederation
“We the People of the United
States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish…”
- The US Constitution
Unit 4: 1800–1848
Martin Van Buren, more like Van Ruin- secretary of state during
Andrew Jackson’s presidency
Thomas Jefferson believed the election of 1800 would decide the
American government’s principles- “I have sworn upon the altar of God eternal
hostility against every form of tyranny over the mind of Man” he wrote
“Democracy shows not only its power in reforming governments, but in
regenerating a race of men and this is the greatest blessing of free
-Andrew Jackson
Transcendentalists took progressive stands on women’s rights, reform,
abolition, and education.
Unit 5: 1844–1877
In 1893, Katharine Lee Bates wrote ‘America the Beautiful’ and coined
the famous phrase “from sea to shining sea” in reference to Manifest Destiny.
“Remember the Alamo”
-Sam Houston at the Battle of San Jacinto
The Wilmot Proviso was a proclamation to eliminate slavery within the
land acquired as a result of the Mexican-American War.
Horace Greeley’s New York Tribune, a paper run by anti-slavery
publicists coined “Bleeding Kansas” to fix on the strife-ridden territory.
The 15th Amendment to the US Constitution granted African
American men the right to vote by declaring that the “right of citizens of
the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged by the United
States or by any state on account of race, color, or
previous condition of servitude.”
Black Codes were written to restrict African Americans from voting,
testifying whites, start a job without the approval of previous employers,
and to serve on state militias or juries.
Unit 6: 1865–1898
“It shall be unlawful for a negro and white person to play together
or in company with each other in any game of cards or dice, dominoes or
- Jim Crow Laws
The Plessy vs. Ferguson court case decided the “Separate but equal”
lifestyle that effected many African Americans because even though they were
separate, they were definitely not equal.
Mark Twain and Charles Dudley Warner coined the phrase “The Gilded
Henry Ford had a famous catch phrase, “money is like an arm or leg —
use it or lose it.”
“Concentration is my motto – first honesty, then industry, then concentration.”
-Andrew Carnegie
Unit 7: 1890–1945 |
“Rockefeller and his
associates did not build the Standard Oil Co. in the board rooms of Wall
Street banks. They fought their way to control by rebate and drawback, bribe
and blackmail, espionage and price cutting, by ruthless efficiency of
-Ida Tarbell
“The rich people not only had all the money, they had all the chance
to get more; they had all the know-ledge and the power, and so the poor man
was down, and he had to stay down.”
- Upton Sinclair in ‘The Jungle’
The Zimmerman telegraph said if Mexico went to war with the United
States, Germany would help Mexico recover the territory it lost in the 1840s,
this note caused President Woodrow Wilson to declare war against Germany.
President Warren G. Harding pursued a hands-off administration during
the 1920s by cutting federal government spending and lowering tax rates.
Name Drops
Name Drops by Unit
Possible Name Drops with who they were
Unit 2: 1607–1754
Oceana- name of a girl
born on the mayflower
William Button- man died
on the mayflower 3 days before it landed
John Winthrop- was the
Governor of the Calvanist Puritans Plymouth colony merged w the Mass. Bay
Colony- gave the speech about the city on the hill-
Unit 3: 1754–1800
William Pitt- British Prime
James Wolf- a colonel in
the British Army, led the successful attack against Quebec in 1759, all but
ending the French and Indian War
Crispus Attucks,
Patrick Carr, Samuel Gray, Samuel Maverick and James Caldwel- the five killed in the Boston Massacre,
others were injured
Samuel Adams- led a
group of Patriots called the Sons of Liberty; organized and carried out the
Boston tea party
Major James McFarlane- led
the Whiskey Rebellion
John Jay- john jay treaty
Unit 4: 1800–1848
Aaron Burr- killed
alexander Hamilton and ran against Thomas Jefferson in the election of 1800
William Marbury- Marbury
vs. Madison- judicial review
Dred Scott- the slave
fighting for freedom in Dred Scott vs. Sanford court case
Steven Austin- the founder
of Texas, led the colonization of the region by bringing 300 families from
the us region in 1825 and led the rebellion- “remember the Alamo” and Sam Houston was the second leader
Unit 5: 1844–1877
John Brown- Kansas- Nebraska
Act of 1854, rushed in and fought pro-slavery settlers who are unarmed and
kills them – the Pottawatomie Massacre
Preston Brooks- beats Charles Sumner with a cane after he
gives a speech about the Massacre and attacks Andrew Butler (democrat)
Elizabeth Cady Stanton and
Susan B. Anthony- form the national women’s loyal league in the 1860s
after the civil war and have the Seneca Falls Convention with the Declaration
of Sentiments
Sojourner Truth- African
American women, wrote the speech “Ain’t I a Woman” about more rights for
women and black people
Unit 6: 1865–1898
Thomas Crapper- invented
the toilet
Alexander Graham Bell- invented
the telephone
Henry Ford- cars
Andrew Carnegie- steel
Cornelius Vanderbilt-
John D. Rockefeller- oil
Mark Twain and Charles Dudley
Warner- coined the phrase the “Gilded Age”
Unit 7: 1890–1945 |
Ida Tarbell- journalist
and muckraker
Upton Sinclair- wrote “The
Jungle” exposing the meat packing industry
Bernice Bobs her hair-
flapper girls, women’s suffrage
Margaret Sanger- started
the Birth Control League
Henry Tandey- British
soldier during WW1 came across a hurt German soldier, Adolf Hitler, and let
him live
S.S McClure- publisher of
muckraker journaling, “McClure’s Magazine”
Ray Stannard Baker- journalist
and muckraker
MOH: Montgomery Bus Boycott

1. There is a deeper story to the Bus Boycott than originally conceived.
2. One not as well known figure of this Boycott was Jo Ann Robinson
3-5. Rosa Parks was well-educated and after her arrest, E.D Nixon and Parks worked to use her case to stop segregation on buses
6. Robinson helped to spread the word for the boycott along with some ministers and civil rights leaders.
7-9. As MLK became president of the group they continued the Boycott
10. The Boycott went on longer than people had originally expected
11. The private taxi plan was widely accepted
12-15. Fake news (haha) was spread by many white people as they bombed MLK and Nixon's homes to try and stop this movement
16-17. In the face of many challenges the Boycott continued.
18. The Black community took the case to the supreme court and the court ruled that segregation on buses was unconstitutional which ended the boycott.
19-20. However, desegregation provided many other problems
21. The Bus Boycott was a great success and testament to the civil rights movement
22-23. The SCLC was formed to fight for civil rights and these organizations helped spark the civil rights movement.
MOH #33
1. FDR's got his place in history not because of his character but actually because of the circumstances
2-4. FDR had many talents as he was intellectual, curious and was a quick thinker
5. FDR could not compare to some of the great American figures like Washington or Lincoln
6. Roosevelt preferred action and to actively shape the future of the country
7. FDR made up for his lack of intellect by acting swiftly in his presidency
8-12. FDR was a determined president that was dedicated to helping the poor but was not without his fair share of flaws
13. FDR was able to apply his character and lower intellect and make something out of the era
14. America was suffering incredibly from the mass unemployment
15. America's financial system was in Jeopardy
16. Under the presidency of FDR, American gained newfound confidence and also a sense of unity.
17-19. Roosevelt handled many other challenges during his presidency and faced them all with courage
20-22. Roosevelt's new deal helped focus the country and inspire a sense of partnership
23-24. FDR was able to put America back on its feet with the New Deal and was a man of action
25. FDR had a large influence on America's attitude during the war
26. FDR had a lasting impact on America and his great character won't be forgotten
2-4. FDR had many talents as he was intellectual, curious and was a quick thinker
5. FDR could not compare to some of the great American figures like Washington or Lincoln
6. Roosevelt preferred action and to actively shape the future of the country
7. FDR made up for his lack of intellect by acting swiftly in his presidency
8-12. FDR was a determined president that was dedicated to helping the poor but was not without his fair share of flaws
13. FDR was able to apply his character and lower intellect and make something out of the era
14. America was suffering incredibly from the mass unemployment
15. America's financial system was in Jeopardy
16. Under the presidency of FDR, American gained newfound confidence and also a sense of unity.
17-19. Roosevelt handled many other challenges during his presidency and faced them all with courage
20-22. Roosevelt's new deal helped focus the country and inspire a sense of partnership
23-24. FDR was able to put America back on its feet with the New Deal and was a man of action
25. FDR had a large influence on America's attitude during the war
26. FDR had a lasting impact on America and his great character won't be forgotten
Thursday, May 28, 2020
Little Rock Reading

Little Rock was a very important step in the civil rights movement. For the first time ever, African American kids were going to school with white kids. One of the things I liked about this article was that it touched on some aspects of Little Rock that are not as commonly known. When reading the article, I was coming into the reading knowing that the conditions that these kids had to suffer through was awful but still, reading this article and reading more closely how these students were bullied and beaten just trying to get an education. Its horrible. Today, we live in a society that still suffers from incredible racism and I hope that one day we can find a way to end this racism.
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