Summarize Jefferson's Inaugural Address:

Beginning the address, Jefferson exclaims how honored he is to have the American people bestow their faith in him to lead their rising nation in its future endeavors. Jefferson honestly admits that he is but a man and the task that lays before him is daunting but he will endure the ups and downs with patriotic ferocity. Following this statement he looks to his legislators and fellow political statesmen and proclaims he is excited to represent America and also looks forward to their guidance and he talks about the importance of teamwork in "steer with safety the vessel in which we are all embarked". As typical of Jefferson, he continues forward by talking about each person's specific liberties that are held concretely by the constitution. An important line to note is when he writes of how even though the direction of the country will be steered forward by the will of the majority the voice and rights of the minority will never go overlooked and that called by any name-Republican or Federalist-that underneath that they are Americans and they are all the same. People are allowed to voice their displeasure against the government and let them fight with reason not violence. This main part of his inaugural address demonstrates that Jefferson does have the people's voice at heart and seeks to protect it at all costs. Immediately after this, Jefferson is quick to voice that a government under republican leadership will stand firm and that the government has yet to fail in keeping its citizens free. In the next paragraph Jefferson shifts the focus now solely to political parties. Jefferson acknowledges the clash between the two parties but says that the best for the country is if the two factions cooperate to create a "wise and frugal government". The over-arching theme in Jefferson's address is to follow the creed of morals and philosophy that took them so far and gave them the courage to rise up against oppression. He states he will not get entangled into overseas alliances, and focus on building up America and its people so the country can "retrace our steps and regain the road which alone leads to peace, liberty and safety". Jefferson ends with a "clincher" going back to his earlier statements about how the country has placed this mantle on his shoulders. He humbly admits that he will wander astray many times in the coming years and asks for forgiveness and understanding as he will always listen to the smallest voice in the room and do his absolute best for the country and her people.
After the 2016 election, President Trump's inaugural address promised to put American and her people first and that he would do whatever it took to put America back on top again.