After two terms of service George Washington left the office of the president, leaving behind his hopes and aspirations for the future of the government. Beginning the address, Washington starts by stating how he wishes not to be considered for the next presidential election. His choice to voluntarily step down from office highlights his good nature as he decided against the power of the presidency and was content with two terms. Furthermore, Washington expresses his gratitude toward the people of the united states but states he will not leave without laying down the concerns that he fears will plague the office if acted upon. One of these examples is political parties. Washing states that the enemy of all governments are political parties. He yields the fact that human nature will drive people to congregate with members of shared belief, but goes on to state that political parties (factions) will only serve to further divide the country as one party will always seek revenge on their political opponents or seek to expand their influence through the office. Washington's warning about political parties is interesting as 21st century America finds itself in a gridlock position of political opposition today. Another major point proclaimed in his farewell address was religion, morality and education. Washington proclaims that it is necessary to spread these beliefs as "it is essential that public opinion should be enlightened". Washington also argues preservation of these three values protects one's protection of their property as where is security for property "if religious obligation desert the oaths which are the instruments of investigation in the courts of justice". Overall, the preservation of morality, religion and prosperity he said cultivates peace and happiness not just within our nation but also maintains peace with other countries which is why it is important to preserve these ideals. Lastly, Washington warns the country to remain neutral and not forge permanent alliances with other countries. His rationale for this warning was that political alliances could create complected entanglements and that he had seen first hand with the Anglo-French war situation. He believed that political alliances could bring in unwelcome influence from other countries and advised the future politicians to take advantage of America's isolated position in the world. Overall. Washington had great insight in his farewell address, however America still fell prey to these faults despite the forewarning.

Andrew Jackson gave a similar farewell address talking about how America had prospered beyond that of any other nation but also warned the country about the growing danger of sectionalism.